Buttercrunch Lettuce
Buttercrunch Lettuce
Buttercrunch Lettuce

Buttercrunch Lettuce


Regular price $4.45 Sale

Buttercrunch Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) My choice for replacing sandwich bread or as a substitute in a burger wrap! We grow this Butterhead - Bibb variety throughout the winter in our greenhouse. Plants form a tight little rosette of soft, dark-green, upright leaves surrounding a tender, light coloured, non-bitter centre. A real winner from the Butterhead's! 

60 days to maturity

150 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Sow Lettuce seeds 1/4 inch deep in early spring when soil temperature is between 10-20 degrees Celsius. Thin heading Lettuce to 12 inches apart and loose types to 8 inches.