Baba’s Calendula Mix (Calendula officinalis) - Unlike most Calendula we have trialled, Baba’s are much more uniform in colour, boasting primarily semi-double flowers of a deep orange hue accompanied by a small chorus of warm apricot and golden coloured blooms. Calendula has long stems making it an excellent cutting flower at 24-26 inches tall. Also makes a great addition to summer meals with its delicate tasting edible petals. Other than occasional deadheading, this is a low maintenance plant, tolerant of partial shade and drought. Calendula is a self-seeder but easy to control.
50 seeds per packet $4.45
Growing Information: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover with dome or plastic film until emergence. Keep under full light and harden plants off 7-10 days before lining out. Seeds can be sown outdoors in the late fall to enhance spring germination.
Days to Germination: 7 - 14
Plant Spacing: 12" (30cm)
Plant Height: 24" - 26" (60cm - 66cm)
Hardiness Zones: Hardy Annual
Bloom Time: Summer to Fall
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Deer Resistant
Heat & Drought Resistant
Great as Cut Flowers or Bouquets
Edible Leaves & Petals