Beach Peas
Beach Peas
Beach Peas
Beach Peas
Beach Peas
Beach Peas

Beach Peas


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Beach Peas (Lathyrus japonicas) Also known as Sea Pea, Circumpolar Pea or Sea Vetching Pea. Somewhat similar to the Perennial Sweet Pea (Larythus latifolius) but predominantly a coastal species that is capable of surviving in water for many days, hence its’ circumpolar distribution. Thought to have originated in the pacific islands, Beach Peas can be found growing along rocky and sandy temperate coastlines across the globe. They are also common along the shores of Lake Superior and often used in bank stabilization, preventing erosion. Beach Peas have showy purple to dark pink fragrant flowers, attractive to pollinators from July - September. This is a low growing plant that can be trellised but often prefers to twist and turn its vines over and through rocky crevasses. Compound leaves are born on 2-3 foot stems.  An excellent choice for a sea wall or sandy/gravel landscaping feature. Plants will hold sandy shorelines in place that are subject to erosion. Very tolerant of salt, high winds and high tides! Our seed source comes from Port George NS where there are a few flourishing stands at Cottage Cove and the old shipping pier. You may still smell a hint of the Fundy tides on these peas!

25 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Starting indoors: Scarify seeds by nicking or filing a notch (pre-soaking for 2-3 hours in warm water or a weak solution of Chamomile tea may also increase germination %). - Sow  1/2" deep into cell flats or preferred deep-cell seedling container, 4-5 weeks before planting out. Darkness is required for germination. Keep seedlings cooler after two-leaf stage. Direct seed 6 weeks before last frost. Seedlings can tolerate a light frost.

**CAUTION** Sweet Peas (all parts of the plant) can be toxic if consumed in large enough quantities. Caution around children and pets. Purchaser assumes all liability related to the use of this product.