🇨🇦 100% Canadian Grown Seeds 🇨🇦 All orders will be processed in 3-5 business days




Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Berkheya (Berkheya purpurea) - Native to South Africa, this species, which belongs to the Daisy family, nearly disappeared since it was first cultivated in the early 1900’s. One of the last documented stands of this rare perennial was recorded at the Kew Gardens in SW London in 1917. With the increased interest in the xeriscape concept and drought-tolerant plants, Berkheya started gaining popularity for its ability to withstand dry conditions and its unique spiked winged-stems and pointed dark green foliage. For this reason it is also known as the ‘Zulu Warrior’ in some marketing publications. Large lavender blooms with dark purple centers form in clusters and continue to bloom throughout the growing season. 

25 seeds per packet $4.45

Growing Instructions: Sow indoors after 4 weeks of cold-moist stratification. Sow seeds on the surface of the soil and lightly cover, keep moist and at 20-22 C (68-72 F) for 3-4 weeks. Long germination may be required.  If they have not germinated after 4 weeks then a cooling period is often required again. Cover them with plastic and place in a fridge for 2 weeks. Be sure they stay moist. We have also had success with late fall and winter sowing directly outdoors.