Common Mullein
Common Mullein
Common Mullein

Common Mullein


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) Also known as Aaron’s Rod, Great Mullein and Velvet Plant is a biennial herb native to Asia, northern Africa and Europe. It has naturalized in North America and well known as a weedy species of dry, disturbed soils, often seen in large groups on roadsides, vacant lots, rail tracks, gravel pits, and fallowed fields. Mullein can be easily managed by pulling the plant since the taproot is not well anchored. Common Mullein forms a rosette of large velvety basal leaves in its first year that often reach 12 to 20 inches across. In the second year, the plant produces a terminal flower spike bearing tight yellow flowers, reaching up to 5 or 6 feet. Dried flower heads are persistent throughout the winter months, making them ideal in dried arrangements. Mullein is also used medicinally in treating respiratory conditions. Makes an impressive garden specimen and will attract many beneficial insects. Prefers full sun and will tolerate dry conditions and poor soil fertility.

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Growing Instructions:This is a biennial, therefore the flower forms a rosette in the first year followed by florals in year two. Seeds can be sown in late fall (surface sown) or must undergo cold stratification for 4-6 weeks in refrigeration if sown in spring. Mullein seeds require light to germinate. Sow in late spring on soil surface and tamp. Keep evenly moist and in the light until germination, which is usually in a few days. Transplant spacing plants 2 feet apart.