Have a wonderful holiday season!

Five Spot
Five Spot
Five Spot
Five Spot
Five Spot

Five Spot


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Five Spot (Nemophila maculata) A lovely trailing annual species that typically reaches 12 inches in length. Five spot is a native flower to regions of the west coast of NA. Bell-shaped flowers are formed in clusters at the terminal end of fern-like branches. Each of the five petals are white, with a distinctly deep purple spot at the tip. Plants can benefit from partial shade in the peak hours of intense sunlight. We find that a light organic mulch keeps the soil a bit cooler for the plant's sensitive root system. Plants do not respond well to excessive heat and thrive in cooler microclimates. A good container species and a perfect variety for edging that flower bed on the northeast corner of the house. Bees will most certainly visit the flowers for nectar.

50 seeds per packet $4.45  

Growing Instructions: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost and lightly cover seeds. Keep soil surface lightly moistened daily. Germinates best around 12 - 15 C.  In growing zones above 7, plants can be started in the fall. Choose a final location where plants can receive some shade in the heat of the afternoon.