Have a wonderful holiday season!

Jewels of Opar
Jewels of Opar
Jewels of Opar
Jewels of Opar

Jewels of Opar


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Jewels of Opar (Talinum paniculatum) (aka Fameflower) This is a very striking annual species in most regions of Canada. Dense masses of tiny pink flowers that make an excellent cut flower in arrangements and bouquets. Has become a favourite of our family recently! Seed sourced form our friends at the Secret Garden in Blyth Ontario. The very attractive tassels of pink flowers are followed by decorative shiny ruby-globed seed pods. Makes an excellent mass, border or container planting and can tolerates dry conditions. Plants reach an average of 20- 24” and will self-seed.

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Growing Information: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost and surface sow, keeping under full light. Harden-off transplants out of direct sun as plants are sensitive to sunscald. Set out when warmer nights are frequent and space transplants 12-16” apart.