Fox and Cubs
Fox and Cubs
Fox and Cubs
Fox and Cubs

Fox and Cubs

Revival Seeds

Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale


Fox and Cubs - (Pilosella aurantiaca) There are many detailed accounts of this flower in UK gardens dating back to the early 1620’s. Also known as Orange Hawkbit, Devil’s Paintbrush, and Grim the Collier (referring to the coal dust on a miners beard), Fox-and-cubs is a colourful, perennial herb, which can be propagated by seed or by taking cuttings from its long stoloniferous runners. Plants reach heights up to 18 inches supporting stunning orange-red-yellow 1 inch flowers from June well into late September. Open flowers (the fox) grown on top or alongside closed flower buds (the cubs). Stems of this plant are covered in dense black hairs much like the dust on a coal miners beard!. Our seed source comes from the open woodlot near Irving Fredricks Pole barn at Chipman Brook, Nova Scotia. This species can naturalize quite easily so it is best to keep plants well restricted to one site, preferably a raised bed or large container. We have a mound of  a about a two dozen plants growing in a 4’ x 8’ raised planter where they has been very well contained. It is important to cut the seed heads on spent flowers before they disperse. You can also dig out clumps of the plant too, since it spreads by stolons. The nectar rich flowers are very attractive to bees, butterflies, and  hummingbird moths. A attractive plant that requires some management with respect to containing its ability to colonize. 

75 seeds per packet $4.45

Growing Instructions: 4-6 weeks of cold-moist stratification required for best germination. Sow fox and cub seeds after all danger of frost has passed. Scatter seeds on soil in a selected site. Can also be sown in late fall with same method as spring. Choose an area with full sun for growing fox and cubs plants. They will tolerate moist soil conditions and average-poor fertility.