‘Shades of Gray’ Shirley Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) This is a beautiful mix of mainly pastel coloured 3-4” blooms ranging from shades of lilac to deep rose. We were fortunate enough to have been gifted seeds from W. & H. Parchinski, of Warroad, Minnesota. The poppies had been a focal point on their former family farm since the early 1970’s and they were gracious enough to share their family treasure with us before they moved. Harriet, who penned the letter, says that the poppies were likely sown by her mother-in-law when they acquired the farm in 1968. Like typical Rhoeas species, the stems are wiry and hairy with many early summer blooms. A very unique family mix of Shirley poppies.
75 seeds per Packet $4.45
Planting Instructions: After last frost, broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover. Thin plants to 6 inches after true leaves appear. Can also be sown in late fall.