Morden Yellow Pear Tomato
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Morden Yellow Pear (Solanum lycopersicum) Another heirloom tomato we can confirm originated from the family farm in the 1940’s. This yellow pear tomato was grown by my parents until a few years ago. The seeds were originally saved by my grandfather while attending a field day in southern Manitoba sometime during the early 1940’s. He had never seen a yellow pear-shaped tomato before and refused to eat it, however, he carefully wrapped 5 or 6 in his tobacco pouch and brought them back for my grandmother, of which she would save the seeds and plant the following year! We believe the selection was originally grown at the Morden Research station in the late 1930’s. A prolific producer, these small, golden pear-shaped fruits have a delicate, mild sweet flavour and are great in salads or eaten fresh out of hand.
Indeterminate Growth
80 days to maturity
25 seeds per packet $4.45
Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4 inch deep and keep soil warm. Transplant into 1 inch cells or 2 inch pots at 1-2 leaf stage. Staking tomatoes (indeterminate) should be transplanted into 3-4 inch pots. Harden off plants for 4-5 days after risk of frost has passed, then transport outdoors.