Black Krim Tomato
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Black Krim Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) Originally from the Crimean Peninsula of the Black Sea, and originally called Black Crimean Tomato. A winner of multiple taste tests, this violet-brown and purple-red fruit will turn near black under ideal sunlight and heat units. Black Krim is a fabulous addition to any gourmet dinner, boasting excellent sweet and juicy flavour. Vines produce large 8-10 oz fruits with variable colour depending on soil and climatic conditions. (Staking is necessary) We were very pleased with the hardiness and disease resistance from this Southern Ukrainian heirloom in our 2018 trials.
Indeterminate GrowthÂ
70-90 days to maturity
25 seeds per packet $4.45
Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4 inch deep and keep soil warm. Transplant into 1 inch cells or 2 inch pots at 1-2 leaf stage. Staking tomatoes (indeterminate) should be transplanted into 3-4 inch pots. Harden off plants for 4-5 days after risk of frost has passed. Transplant outdoors once day and night temperatures are consistently above 10 degrees Celsius.