🇨🇦 100% Canadian Grown Seeds 🇨🇦 All orders will be processed in 3-5 business days

Common Buckwheat
Common Buckwheat
Common Buckwheat
Common Buckwheat

Common Buckwheat

Cover Crops

Regular price $4.45 Sale

Common Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) Often used as a cover crop, buckwheat is also a highly sought after nectar source for bees and many other pollinators. We sow in late August or early September after our garlic has been harvested. As a green manure crop it can be cut and worked in to the soil in less than 6 weeks. One packet contains 500 seeds which is enough to sow an entire 4' x 8' bed, however, we recommend two packets for a better stand! Grown on our North Mountain farm in Nova Scotia. 

70 days to maturity (seed)

500 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions:  Scatter seeds on a well packed soil bed at roughly 2-3" spacing between and lightly rake and work into soil. Sow at 45 lbs per acre on larger plots. Can be seeded in late spring or late summer.