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Creeping Zinnia
Creeping Zinnia

Creeping Zinnia


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Creeping Zinnia (Sanvitalia procumbens) Introduced over 200 years ago from its northern regions of Mexico. Well distributed and usually used as a ground cover or in container and hanging basket displays. Flowers resemble small black-eyed Susan with short petals and brown centers. Plants will spread quite quickly as a ground cover and bloom for most of the growing season once they start. A very low maintenance species. Creeping zinnia is an excellent border or ground cover and its’ trailing habit makes it ideal for hanging baskets and containers. Grows best in well-drained soil and full sun. Dead-head spent blooms to prolong the flowering period.

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover no more than 1/8 - 1/4". Apply dome or plastic film until emergence. Keep under full light and harden plants off 7-10 days before lining out. Or direct sow outdoors in early spring when only light frost is still possible. Line out transplants or thin to 12" apart.Â