🇨🇦 100% Canadian Grown Seeds 🇨🇦 All orders will be processed in 3-5 business days

Honour Blight Tomato
Honour Blight Tomato
Honour Blight Tomato
Honour Blight Tomato
Honour Blight Tomato

Honour Blight Tomato


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Honour Blight Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) A most peculiar and genetically diverse tomato originally selected by Alex Livingston in 1894 from a field of his red Stone variety. These tomato plants begin their journey with pale yellow foliage (almost sickly looking…but NOT actually) until turning a lime-fluorescent green colour at flowering stage. Many gardeners feel that the plants are lacking something, however, this is not the case and is actually perfectly natural stage of this plant’s development. Flowers are creamy white and not the usual yellow. As the fruits develop, they change colour too, from green to creamy yellow, and finally from orange to red.  This is a very unique genetic sequennce! Fruits are medium sized and thick-walled with a relatively low seed count. This heirloom is quite rare and was quite possibly marketed under the name ‘Yellow Translucent’ since the 1960’s. We thank the fine folks at Aurora Greens & Gardens for sharing a few of their seeds with us in 2021. LIMITED QUANTITIES for 2024!

20 seeds per packet $4.45