Love in a Mist (Nigella damascena) Love-in-a-Mist also known as ‘Love in a Puff’ or ‘Devil in a Bush’ is well documented in English gardening journals from the early 1600’s. This is a hardy annual with fine, threadlike leaves and charming 1½ inch star-shaped flowers of blue, mauve, pink, purple, and white which are born at the terminal end of branches. Makes an excellent cut flower with its horned seed capsules which are beautiful in dried arrangements. Plants will grow to 12 - 18’ tall and prefer cool weather, making it an ideal choice fo Maritime climates and northern latitudes of Canada. One of the more prolific bloomers of late spring/early summer.
Blooms 70-75 days from seed
40 seeds per packet $4.45
Growing Information: Sow 3-4 times every 2-3 weeks early in season for continuous flower/pod production. Direct sowing is best in early spring when soil temperatures reach 15°C. Can be fall sown in warmer climates of Zone 7. Cover lightly with soil as light is required for germination. Starting indoors, sow 4-6 weeks before last frost. *(Plants are sensitive to root disturbance through transplanting).