Have a wonderful holiday season!

Painted Lady Runner Bean
Painted Lady Runner Bean
Painted Lady Runner Bean
Painted Lady Runner Bean
Painted Lady Runner Bean
Painted Lady Runner Bean

Painted Lady Runner Bean


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Painted Lady Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineusThis rare heirloom runner bean dates back to the 1820's. The vines will easily climb 8 to 10 feet up any vertical support, creating a unique and gorgeous flowering wall. Painted Lady’s bi-coloured edible blossoms are coral and salmon-pink. Bean seeds are a lovely speckled infusion of mocha and tan colours. Attractive to many pollinators including the elusive hummingbird moth. This strain is a prolific bloomer, less affected by warmer temperatures. Highly sought after as an ornamental and edible climber. 

68-70 days to maturity

15 seeds per packet $4.45

Growing Instructions: Sow seeds outdoors after danger of frost has passed and soil temperatures are over 20 degrees C. Sow at 1" depth and space seeds 3-5" apart. Plants will require trellising. Runner beans prefer full sun, although they do tolerate partial shade.