Have a wonderful holiday season!

Purple Dragon Carrot
Purple Dragon Carrot

Purple Dragon Carrot


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Purple Dragon Carrot (Daucus carota) A popular market carrot and a definite improvement from older purple varieties, the 'Purple Dragon's' red-purple exterior provides a brilliant contrast to its yellow-orange interior and yellow core.  Our seed source comes from a n organic market grower in Port Williams, NS.  Purple and yellow carrots are believed to have originated in the middle east while the orange carrot is native to Europe. This selection comes does not turn a brown colour when cooked since only its' skin is actually purple. A slightly spicy and mildly tantalizing texture. This has become one of our favourite carrots for every part of food preparation. Kids will request the 'Purple Dragon' in their pasta dishes and/or fresh sticks in their school lunches!

75-85 days to maturity

min. 200 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Sow Carrot seeds in a furrow 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep and 1 inch apart. Thin after germination to 2 inches apart. Sow any empty spaces throughout the year. Keep rows 12-18 inches apart.