Have a wonderful holiday season!

Red Wethersfield Onion
Red Wethersfield Onion

Red Wethersfield Onion


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Red Wethersfield Onion (Allium cepa) Named after the town of Wethersfield, Connecticut, this home-gardener favourite was initially offered for sale in 1834, becoming a staple onion in markets of the 19th century. Large medium-firm deep purple-red flattened orbs resembling, as our kids called them, “little red spaceships”. Flesh is pink-white with concentric red circles. This is a great storage long-day variety, with memorable flavour, that will keep till late winter.

110 days to maturity

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting instructions: Start seeds indoors in late winter, covering lighting to 1/4 inch depth at 1/2 inch apart. Transplant during late spring, spacing seedlings 6-8 inches apart within the row. Harvest when leaves die back and bulbs have sized. Cure bulbs for 10-14 days out of direct sun.