Have a wonderful holiday season!

Round Black Spanish Radish
Round Black Spanish Radish
Round Black Spanish Radish

Round Black Spanish Radish


Regular price $4.45 Sale

Round Black Spanish Radish (Raphanus sativus) This winter radish dates back as far as the 1600’s and has a turnip shaped root with corklike blackened skin and white flesh. My grandmother grew this radish every three-four years and saved the seeds by sowing early in spring waiting for the mid-summer bolting behaviour. A variety with a fair bit of heat when eaten fresh.

25-30 days to maturity

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Direct sow Spring Radish varieties when soil temperatures are 18 degrees Celsius. Sow at 1/4 inch deep. Winter Radish varieties will bolt if sown in the spring. Thin seedlings to 2 inches within rows. Radish can be grown throughout the season.