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Salmon Flowering Crown Pea
Salmon Flowering Crown Pea
Salmon Flowering Crown Pea
Salmon Flowering Crown Pea
Salmon Flowering Crown Pea
Salmon Flowering Crown Pea

Salmon Flowering Crown Pea


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Salmon Crown Flowering Pea - (Pisum sativum var. umbellatum) A very old and rare Umbellatum type of pea , historically known as Crown peas.  Bi-coloured flowers of salmon-orange and white are only produced at the terminal point (crown) versus along the length of the stem. The weight is entirely at the top so trellising is essential. Plants will reach 30 - 42” in height on average. Initially classified as a separate species, Pisum umbellatum, it is now clear that botanically, they are in fact the same species as other domestic garden peas (P. sativum). There is little documentation as to the three recessive genes that cause the terminal flowering and unique colour. In any case, they are a lovely ornamental and very unique addition to the garden. Limited Quantities for 2025 

25 seeds per packet $4.45