Silvery Rose Strawflower
Silvery Rose Strawflower

Silvery Rose Strawflower


Regular price $4.45 Sale

Silvery Rose Strawflower (Bracteantha bracteata) Also known as bracted strawflower, this is a prolific bloomer making it very popular in fresh cut or in dried arrangements. Sturdy plants up to 4 feet tall, produce double 2-3” flowers of a silvery white and frosted with rose at the tip of each pedal. Rose colour becomes darker as blooms mature and fully open. Truly an outstanding variety that will persist well into late fall and attract a wide array of pollinators.

50 seeds per packet $ 4.45

Planting Instructions: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover with dome or plastic film until emergence. Keep under full light and harden plants off 7-10 days before lining out. Or direct sow outdoors in spring when only light frost is still possible.