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Regular price $4.45 Sale

Sneezewort  (Achillea ptarmica) This is a very old heirloom perennial species grown in old English gardens of the 1600’s where it was commonly referred to as White Tansey or Goose Tongue. Sneezewort grows best in damp conditions (although it is drought tolerant) and in a wide variety of soil types, even clay. Sneezewort flowers attract a wide array of beneficial insects such as bees, parasitic wasps and hover-flies. The aromatic leaves also repel deer and rabbits. 24 -30 inch plants give way to shiny little clusters of attractive quarts coloured flowers that appear mainly in July and August. Will tolerate partial shade.

100 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date. Sow on surface and barely cover with soil, keep moist through spray/misting and in full light. Keep at about 20° C until germination, then lower to 15° C. Can be direct sown in spring.

Caution: This plant is toxic to cattle, sheep, and horses. Purchaser assumes liability.