Have a wonderful holiday season!

Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea
Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea
Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea
Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea

Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale


Snow Wind Hyper Tendril Pea (Pisum sativum) Another exquisite pea gifted to us from our friends at the Secret Garden in Blyth, Ontario. This delicately refreshing snow pea is a wafer of goodness to the palate. Incredibly tender and absolutely delicious. We couldn’t stop adding these to our stir-fries as well as eating them fresh throughout the summer. Can’t wait to go again next year! Very easy to trellis as the tendrils are absolutely Jurassic in nature, grabbing on to anything in front of them. Highly recommend giving this one a try! 

30 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Sow seeds 1/2 - 1 inch deep, 2 inches apart in row during late spring or when soil temperature is at least 10-15 degrees Celsius.