Sunrise Bumble Bee Cherry (Solanum lycopersicum) Sunrise Bumble Bee tomato seeds produce a large cherry sized tomato with vibrant orange skins that are streaked with bright gold. They are stunningly beautiful and boast an incredibly sweet flavour. The texture is much like that of a golden plum. A real nice introduction by Fred at Artisan Seeds! Â I must admit, there were many days in August when I coincidentally stopped the tractor beside these vines, completing a small raid before shifting into gear! Bumble bee cherry fruits are resistant to cracking and will produce late into summer, especially if the vines are supported. Indeterminate growth.
Indeterminate Growth
70 days to maturity
25 seeds per packet $4.45
Planting Instructions:Â Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow 1/4 inch deep and keep soil warm. Transplant into 1 inch cells or 2 inch pots at 1-2 leaf stage. Staking tomatoes (indeterminate) should be transplanted into 3-4 inch pots. Harden off plants for 4-5 days after risk of frost has passed, then transport outdoors.