Yellow Canary Bird Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) A lovely vintage snapdragon variety first offered for sale in seed catalogues of the 1920’s, but it nearly went out of circulation by the 1960’s. By the mid 1970’s it regained popularity in flower gardens along the west coast of North America, particularly northern California and as far north as Vancouver, BC. Canary yellow flower spikes grace this beautiful species from mid summer well into late fall. It has over-wintered here in Nova Scotia as a soft perennial at zone 5b, however, it is largely classified like other snaps as an annual species. Plant exhibit very sturdy stems that are great for cutting. Plants reach 24-30 inches in height.
50 seeds per packet $4.45
Planting Instructions: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost date. Broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover with dome or plastic film until emergence. Keep under full light and harden plants off 7-10 days before lining out.