Yellow Lupin
Yellow Lupin
Yellow Lupin

Yellow Lupin


Regular price $4.45 $4.45 Sale

Yellow Lupin (Lupinus luteus) 'Yellow Lupine', also known as 'Annual Yellow Lupin' and 'European Yellow Lupine', is a native to Southern Europe and commonly found growing on mild sandy and volcanic soils where it can easily naturalize. It is also a popular choice amongst gardeners as an ornamental annual flower, with its striking yellow blooms which also make it highly attractive to bees and other pollinating insects. Since it does fix nitrogen, it is can be used as a cover crop to improve the fertility of poor soils, and as a result, the species is often used in land reclamation work. Lupin seeds can be an alternative to growing soybean for livestock species due to their high content in high quality protein, reaching between 30-40%.

25 seeds per packet $4.45

Planting Instructions: Requires cold stratification before seeding. (4-5 weeks of refrigeration.) Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost date. Broadcast seed on top of soil and lightly cover with dome or plastic film until emergence. Lupin seed can be scarified and pre-soaked 24 hours before sowing to increase germination rate. Sow Lupin at 1/8 inch depth. Germination may take anywhere from 2 - 6 weeks so be patient! 

 Seeds can be sown outdoors in the late fall to satisfy cold period required for spring germination.