When planning your gardens it is a good idea to choose companion plants to help with pest control, pollination, providing habitat for beneficial insects, maximizing use of space, and to otherwise increase crop productivity. The Beneficial Companion Plants Collection includes one package of each of the following varieties. Click on any variety for more product information;
Queen Sophia Marigold - A very fragrant scented floral that keeps many pests like white flies away from your tomatoes and peppers. Pesky mosquitoes will also stay away so you can garden in peace!
Wormwood - A strongly scented herb that can deter aphids and flea beetles from attacking neighbouring plants. Its yellow flowers attract hoverflies, lacewings and ladybirds, which prey on aphids.
Common Chives - When planted alongside carrots, its strong scent confuses and deters the carrot root fly which can smell carrots from up to a mile away.
Cilantro - Discourages potato beetles, attracts hoverflies and can be made into a tea to formulate a spray used to eradicate spider mites.
Dmytro's Ukrainian Dill - Attracts beneficial ladybugs, which eat aphids. Dill is also a food source for caterpillars and butterflies.
Gigante di Napoli Parsley - Attracts beneficial insects to protect and pollinate tomatoes. Plant this herb between tomatoes.
Common Buckwheat - Beneficial insects are attracted to the buckwheat blossoms while deterring flea beetles, leaf hoppers, and other common potato pests.
Alaska Nasturtium - A perfect trap crop for greenhouse pests such as aphids and whiteflies. Also a great companion plant for tomatoes, cucumbers and Brassicas. Cucumber beetles are not a fan of Nasturtiums!
Mrs. Burn's Lemon Basil - In addition to enhancing the flavour of tomatoes, basil also attracts beneficial insects and pollinators that will deter whiteflies, thrips, mosquitos, and many other predators in the garden.
*Products in collection may not be exactly as shown in image